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CHF 5’000


CHF 2’500


CHF 1’000

Prizes: The prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners are CHF 5’000, CHF 2’500, and CHF 1’000 respectively. The prize money can be split between the filmmaker(s) and the film’s subject (person or organisation) at the filmmakers’ discretion.

The “Audience Special Prize” will reward the most appreciated film by the Zariya website registered visitors. Submit your film as soon as possible to increase your visibility.

The winners will be chosen by the audience at the award ceremony on September 5, 2024 at the Razzia Restaurant in Zurich. The Audience Award will also be presented on this evening.

Media and online exposure: Nominated films, their filmmakers and their subjects will be presented to the media and social media during and after the award ceremony.